What can we say? 2020 has been one hell of a ride! From the Covid-19 pandemic breaking out worldwide to countries hitting hard lockdowns and events getting cancelled left right and center so we can stop the curve and help keep everyone safe. It\’s been a hard year for everyone, but despite this we all endured and pushed through.
With just a day left of 2020 we want to reflect back on the year and what happened from OG’s side and what we plan on doing for 2021.
Let’s begin with our CSGO side. At the start of Q2 our Celestial team got picked up by the new guy on the block – DNMK – while it was a heavy loss for us we were happy to see our players reach their next level and wished them all the best moving forward. Also a full hearted thanks from Omnius for sticking with us for so long and all the accomplishments you guys made while under the green banner!
Moving on we decided to pick up the old Rise of Anarchy roster which has been together for quite a while and couldn’t be happier. The team is a delight to work with and showed from the start real commitment and a fire to improve. With 10 tournaments under their belt this year while carrying the green banner, we are proud of what they achieved and are looking forward to seeing them reach new heights next year!
We also opted to pick up a female CSGO team this year to help motivate and grow the Fe scene. While having a few hiccups throughout the year our ladies managed to do quite well in their female tournaments. Our team did however lose a few members as they opted to leave pursuing other interests.
That being said – We are proud of what our teams did in the CSGO scene! Be sure to watch our socials next year for upcoming roster shuffles in our CSGO teams.
Taking a look at Valve’s other baby DOTA2 – Our Origin team has been maintaining a steady performance throughout the year. Even with a few roster shuffles here and there, despite this, still ended up finishing in the 5th/6th bracket for the main event of the year – The VS Gaming Championships. While not having as many opportunities for tournaments as their CSGO counterpart our team managed to do well in all the available tournaments the DOTA2 scene had available to them.
On a side note – it\’s really been a blast working with our DOTA2 players. Their commitment and drive to continue improving has really put a smile on our faces. We are keen to see them come back stronger next year!
We might have a few changes in our roster so keep an eye out for announcements on our social media channels.
We shift our focus to our Overwatch team. With VS Gaming dropping Overwatch as a main title and not aiming to do smaller cups as a lot of players were hoping for, Mettlestate, ATK Arena and Raving Mad Gamerz decided to step in hosting a few tournaments this year for teams to compete in. With this our team was fired up and ready to put their hard practice to the test on the field.
Looking at our teams results this year we are really proud of how well they placed in all the tournaments, their hard work really pulled through!
While uncertain what the Overwatch community will be doing in 2021 we do look forward to our Kintsugi team continuing their grind to the top!
We will be having some roster changes in 2021 so do check our socials for further announcements.
Now the last “og” title – League of Legends. We’ve had a rocky road with our league team with a few spanner roster changes and at the end having a full roster change leaving our team thrown into the deep end with the VS Gaming Championships. Our team is hard at work getting the gears moving again and we’ll see how they perform next year. We haven’t announced our roster as it was already the end of the year so we’ll be doing so next year. Check our socials for the announcement.
Now onto our new additions to Omnius – First up Rainbow 6 Siege.
Early in the year we decided to branch out into the R6ZA scene as we saw the competitive side was steadily picking up and we wanted to help get players into the thriving scene, and with that we picked up a roster. Shortly after the ATK R6 League we saw our roster move on over to ATK and with that we decided to step out again until much later in the year where we picked up our current roster and we are happy to say our boys performed really well. Proud to have picked up such talented players.
We will be having some roster changes next year as a few players will be moving on to other teams so as such keep an eye out for the updated roster announcement.
And lastly we also decided to branch out into a brand new title – Valorant.
While still being a relatively new title in the esports scene and lack of South African servers we do however think it has great potential which is why we decided to give it a shot. Looking at titles such as Apex, PUBG and Overwatch also not having their own local servers, teams still push through this limitation and thus we feel Valorant has the same potential. With only a few tournaments and a slow growing scene there wasn’t much to show but we feel 2021 might really pick up with TOs looking to host more and more cash prized tournaments for this title
Let’s start with the bad – The pandemic did put a halt to a lot of our plans for 2020 to say the least. Caused delays in getting our jerseys printed and shipped to players as well as losing some of our manufacturers for various merch items and also putting financial strain on the org. But despite all this we pushed through and we really think we did an alright job considering.
Onto the good of the year – we partnered up with FoxyTech and Kyros two amazing new partners! We are really thankful that they decided to join Omnius in our journey!
And then AOC South Africa – We’d just like to give you guys a big shout out – always there to help support our players and the organization. And it\’s really been a dream to work with you guys! Thank you for sticking with us!
We’ve announced that we’ll be trying our hand at hosting a tournament in 2021 the OG Showdown League! We are super excited to get this going and think it might just be another great step towards quality produced tournaments here in the ZA esports scene!
We also want to give a big warm heartfelt thanks to everyone that donated to our on-going #ProjectPets charity initiative! Even with the whole Covid-19 pandemic, it did not stop our fellow animal lovers from donating to the cause!. Thank you very much every bit helps doesn’t matter how small! And as per usual we’ll be donating the funds to our current supported animal welfare’s.
We’ll also be looking to expand next year to have a greater reach and support even more across the country!
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Continue the grind of course! It\’s our aim to improve wherever we can – be that supporting our players, stepping up our quality, improving our workflow and production or just helping out where we can in the scene. We’ll strive to move forward making 2021 even better than before!
We’ll be updating our branding. You\’ll see the OG logo has put on some weight (we swear it’s just the Christmas food) and our green might have had a slight hue change here and there. All our socials will also be updated across the board for players and the org. And we plan to step up our game with socials. Bringing new life to static posts. And of course our anticipated 2021 jersey designs will be showcased early next year allowing the community to once again cast their votes on what they think looks epic on our players.
We’ll also be releasing new and updated merch so keep on eye out for small teases sometimes our owner leaks things on his twitter (we know we’ll speak to him about it) so if you\’re lucky you might catch a glimpse of upcoming merch there.
But we also want to get down and serious and just step back and thank our players and supporters. Because it is true that without you guys – we wouldn’t be able to do what we do or get as far as we did. It’s the collective determination and commitment from the org and players that pushes us forward and we thank every single one of our members for that.
We also thank our outside supporters for their kind words, critique and suggestions that help us improve overall.
Let’s have a safe and successful 2021 but for now enjoy the break. See you guys next year!
1 Comment
Can’t wait to see what the future holds for the green flag! Lets go OG! Arh-Wooooooooooooooo!